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Category: Hiring

Employment Record Retention: What Are the Federal Laws?

An important question to ask yourself when dealing with employment (and really any business-related paperwork) is how long are you required to keep the records? Unfortunately when it comes to record retention, there is a myriad of answers and a multitude of regulations for different scenarios. We’ve summarized the most common federal laws that relate… Continue reading Employment Record Retention: What Are the Federal Laws?

Introducing Competency-Based Interviews at Your Business

It might sound like common sense, but you’d be surprised how many firms underestimate the importance of competency-based interviews. Ongoing research shows that competency-based hiring procedures not only improve the initial quality of hires, but also increase employee retention levels and grants access to wider, more diverse field of potential candidates. Surveys show employers note… Continue reading Introducing Competency-Based Interviews at Your Business